If your pet is due for a procedure in one of our clinics, there are some important steps that should be followed prior to coming in:

  • Don’t feed your pet after 8pm the night before. Definitely don’t give breakfast on the day of the appointment. The only exception to this is rabbits and very young puppies or kittens (less than 20 weeks old), who can be fed right up until they are due to arrive at the clinic and should have some food brought in with them.

  • Offer water overnight but take this away when you get up in the morning. This will allow a few hours of no water before coming in.

  • Please take your pet for a walk on the morning of the surgery to give them a chance to go to the toilet prior to coming to the clinic.

  • We will organise an appointment time with the surgical nurse or vet to admit your animal into hospital, usually between 8 and 9am on the day of the procedure.

  • When leaving your pet with us please make sure you leave a phone number that you can be reached on for that day. We may have to contact you while your pet is under anaesthetic if there is a change to the treatment plan due to something we have found.

  • Contact the clinic around 2pm for an update on your pet and to arrange a time to collect them that afternoon. The collection time is often between 3pm and 5pm; however, it can be later if an appointment has been made to speak to a specific vet.